Michigan Judge Releases Some Products Involved in Massive Recall News by admin - December 7, 2021December 7, 20210 Public Health and Safety Bulletin No. 17 stated that products tested by Viridis Labatories, LLC and Viridis North LLC from August 10, 2021 to November 16, 2021 were subject to recall while Marijuana Regulatory Agency is investigated. The massive recall of cannabis products is now under investigation. Christopher M. Murray, Michigan Court of Claims Judge, listened to six hours of testimony last week and, on December 3, made a ruling that 1. Viridis Laboratories in Lansing is denial of a preliminary injunction. Viridis North (located at Bay City) was denied a preliminary injunction. The two labs share ownership but are “separate limited liability companies,” according to the Detroit Free Press. Shutterstock Michigan releases cannabis products In Murray’s decision, he wrote that although the MRA’s goal is to protect the public, but that there is no evidence that products tied to Viridis North should be targeted. “Public safety concerns are one of the main purposes and duties of the MRA [Marijuana Regulatory Agency], and undoubtedly it believes the recall of both Viridis and Viridis North was necessary to protect the public,” said Murray in a written Court of Claims document. The statement continued, “As stated before, the Court defers to the agency with respect to its findings and conclusions as to the re-tested Viridis product. But when there is no evidence that Viridis North’s testing also fit into that category, the safety concerns are reduced. Also consider the time-lapse between the MRA’s receipt of the re-testing of the ten samples and the issuance of the recall-a matter of roughly two weeks. Again, this factor weighs roughly equally regarding injunctive relief, with perhaps a slight tilt to granting limited relief.” Following this ruling, Viridis Nord, LLC received an updated bulletin from the MRA stating that all administrative holds regarding recall products were being lifted. “This includes any products that have been subsequently retested, regardless of whether those retesting results were passing or failing,” the MRA wrote. Viridis Laboratories and Viridis Nord filed suit against the MRA a week after it was issued. The lawsuit claimed there was no public risk that warrants a recall. “This case illustrates the extraordinary dangers created when a state administrative agency is allowed to regulate from the shadows without proper oversight by a neutral, detached decision maker and, worst of all, motivated at least in part by what appears to be the whims and political objectives of its director and employees,” the lawsuit states. It also stated that Viridis believes it was targeted unfairly, claiming that the MRA questioned Viridis’ testing results by using competitors to double check the results. Viridis is currently testing 60 to 70% of all marijuana products in Michigan, valued at around $229 million. Viridis’s attorney provided a statement to the Detroit Free Press shortly after the bulletin was posted, sharing that they were pleased with Murray’s recent ruling, which frees up about half of the products affected by the recall. “While we maintain that the entire recall was completely without merit, we applaud the court for at least reversing the MRA’s faulty decision to recall products tested at Viridis Bay City,” said Viridis’ attorney Kevin Blair. The Michigan Chamber of Commerce also filed an amicus brief, November 30, inquiring about the recall decision. “As set forth in the attached proposed Amicus Curiae brief, the Michigan Chamber is deeply concerned about the impact of what appears to be an extreme and unconstitutional government overreach by the Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency in this case and the consequences of such excessive action for Michigan businesses within the industry.” Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share